traian boldea


Opening: Tuesday, 4.2.2015, 7:00pm
The artist is present
Duration: 5.2.2015-1.4.2015


Traian Boldea’s project series “Crossroads / Kreuzungen” was devised in cooperation with the filmmaker Dan Staiculescu, and presents twice a year the most stunning personalities and most interesting occurrences of the current Romanian art scene.The exhibitions are accompanied by movies, interviews, round tables and speeches aiming for a contextualization through several perspectives. It is an invitation to start a dialogue with the auditorium, the Austrian art scene, journalists and collectors.Within the scope of part I of the project series Traian Boldea presents his most recent works under the header Exhibition Babel, representing the current stage of his work process. He is one of the “core artists” of the unique art initiative in Bucharest, “LABORNA” (engl. milestone), considering itself an “art diary”. By fixed “BORNE” (milestones) the individual progress of the artists Traian Boldea and Ciprian Paleologu as well as of the collector and co initiator Daniel Stefanica is periodically made accessible to the public. Furthermore a movie by Dan Staiculescu about Traian Boldea, LABORNA and the collection Daniel Stefanica is shown.


“Since 2010 I have been confronting myself with the individual identity in relation to the collective identity.

“Agorafobia” is the title of a series of projects I am still working on. The driving force in the composition of my paintings stems from the sense of loss emerging from the very moment of diving into the mass. This sense is amplified when everyone in the mass looks alike, the reason for which the protagonists in my compositions are always multiple versions of one and the same individual.

Will and collective action are the result of the reproducibility of those versions and attitudes, the variations of which become less discernible in relation to the mass.
The subjects of these projects are well known to the Western culture. Rather than a certain story or event, the definition of the individual identity in relation to the collective identity is focused on.

Naturally, the subjects contain a multitude of actors, as in the Apocalypse, Sodom and Gomorrha, the Exodus from Egypt or the Tower of Babel. In parallel the technical efforts focus on the coalescing boundaries between drawing and painting that are so hard to define. The tactile evolution can be measured chronologically from work to work; from my sole use of pen and black trying to integrate coloured areas to my line-drawing melting into a coloured spot.